The Bart Baggett Show: The World’s Most Interesting People Podcast

The Bart Baggett Show is a weekly podcast that brings you the world’s most interesting people. Hosted by self-help author, comedian, and forensic handwriting expert, Bart Baggett. Each week he takes a look into the minds of some of the most successful, funniest, brightest, and even the strangest people you would never meet on your own. If words like honesty, playfulness, success, authenticity, fun, and freedom resonate with you… The Bart Show will quickly become your favorite podcast. It’s a personal development and psychology show infused with comedy and authenticity..

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Monday Jul 03, 2023

Get an inside look into the ups and downs of a stand-up comedy career.  Geoff Keith is a headlining stand-up comedian, a failed serial killer (just kidding), and a former MTV star who has aged like fine wine and getting better. Bart talks comedy, women, marriage, and even dissects Geoff's penmanship, pointing out his comic genius and delightfully humble nature. Surprisingly, Geoff doesn't exhibit the typical level of narcissism found in most comedians, but like any entertainer, he still craves that sweet, sweet approval.
Geoff has paid his dues in the world of comedy, performing on thousands of stages. Geoff started telling jokes in bars while under 18 and has even entertained audiences from Narcotics Anonymous meetings to cruise ship gigs. He's had his fair share of wild experiences, like inciting a brawl with a room full of MMA fighters or facing off against a college kid mocking his beloved, albeit wrinkly, jeans. Tune in as he breaks down the art of clean versus dirty comedy and shares stories of those dreaded moments when the punchlines go missing.
Geoff reveals the not-so-glamorous side of the comedy world, and explains the mystery of why some comedians enjoy  pissing off the audience  out the door with pride. The inside comedy term is “walk the crowd”.  Learn why performing in L.A. clubs can be a real nightmare for aspiring comics. Plus, he dishes on the worst thing an audience member can do at a comedy show and the lines he drew when dealing with MTV producers. He turned down a TV show for the right reason.
Discover why college gigs are the bane of a comedian's existence and how Geoff became the ultimate YouTube underdog. 
Join us for a conversation full of insightful banter containing lots of “inside comedy” details.  
“Oh, I thought you gained weight for the non-union commercial. You Christian Bail-ed it for the five hour non-union energy commercial, for $3,000? How much do you need me to gain? Give me the donut.” (13:29-13:40 | Geoff and Bart)
“I knew I was going to make it…I had this feeling inside me. But then I always knew it didn't matter until you could really sell tickets, pack rooms, and actually have a fanbase…it was better to be a good person than to make it.” (20:12-20:32 | Geoff)
“This means two things, and this is good news for your wife: one is that you're fiercely independent and…you're very monogamous-minded and you like that intimacy. This has to be the clip that we put online.” (26:22-26:39 | Bart and Geoff)
“I'm not saying I was some big star but, hey, somebody from TV is coming, and you're on campus, you think, ‘Oh, I’ll check that out. He's on TV. How bad can he be?” (45:25-45:34 | Geoff and Bart)
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Monday Jul 03, 2023

Richard Salsman, author of "Where Have All the Capitalists Gone?", along with host Bart Baggett, both openly acknowledge their admiration and respect for the renowned Ayn Rand, author of the highly acclaimed and widely read book "Atlas Shrugged.”
This book is a pro-capitalist masterpiece which still shapes government policy 60 years after its publication. Her book struck a chord with countless young people, influencing economic, philosophical, and self-help movements. Plus, did you know she even graced the stage of the Johnny Carson show? Even today, "Atlas Shrugged" continues to fly off the shelves, influencing millions on the mindset of the rich and explaining why your lazy uncle is still broke.
As a proud member of the "Atlas Society," Richard spills the beans on why Ayn's magnum opus is more relevant than ever. With America teetering towards a disconcerting socialist trend, veering away from the very capitalism that made it great, it's time to address the elephant in the room—the loudest voices of dissent often belong to the least-informed youngsters. 
Bart gives an insightful analysis of Ayn's handwriting to unlock the secrets of self-interest versus self-absorption, the fine line between lacking empathy and being easily manipulated, and how guilt, fear, and morality shape one's path to success and status in life.
The fun doesn't end there, Bart fearlessly dives into analyzing Richard's scribbles to uncover hidden truths. Is he secretly a nag? Does he have anything in common with the enigmatic Donald Trump? And most importantly, does he hate people as much as he claims? Buckle up for an episode that promises laughter, intrigue, and insights into the minds of two captivating personalities. This is a smart and funny episode that will leave you thinking about the world in a different light. 
“These are really important people who hold up the world and make it go, we should admire them, not envy them…if they don't care anymore, if they didn't give a damn if they quit–what might happen to the world?” (2:12-2:31 | Richard)
“When I see the most brilliant students, the most well-read students. The good news is they are pro-capitalist…but they're not as big a number. So, we’ve got a problem.” (11:25-11:53 | Richard) 
“Her view was for liberty and American constitutionally limited government. So she joined the idea of "you should be proud of yourself…we should feel confident, we're not running roughshod over others, we're not sacrificing but you know, and we deal with each other, mutual advantage to mutual benefit.” (15:54-16:22 | Richard) 
“The trajectory of my career went from big corporations to small companies to my own company. So I think I want to be in control, but I don't really want to deal with people.” (21:17-21:26 | Richard)
Connect with Richard Salsman:
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Monday Jul 03, 2023

The hot and funny Savanna Sly chats about the upside of the naughty service industry while exposing the inside politics of policies that hurt women. This multi-talented woman candidly discusses her roles as a dominatrix, musician, and sex work advocate. 
There's a storm brewing in the realm of nosy conservative types and hypocritical politicians. Despite the fact that their archaic laws are rooted in racism, patriarchy, and misguided health concerns, they adamantly persist in upholding regulations that aim to keep certain individuals, deemed undesirable by their standards, from achieving financial success and upward mobility. To make matters worse, countless sex workers find themselves at risk of eviction, deportation, and even having their beloved children taken away. It's an unjust battle, but Savannah Sly is here to stir the pot. Armed with Bart's insightful handwriting analysis, Savannah's tenacity, like that of a true dominatrix (although she claims to be naturally shy), promises to break through these oppressive barriers and put those archaic laws into submission! She is pretty much a bad-ass woman and knows it.
Savanna is also a member of the board at UCLA's esteemed Luskin School of Public Affairs. Her non-profit work is on a mission to destigmatize and decriminalize the world of prostitution. #safersexwork. 
Through her work, Savanna reminds us that sex workers are everyday people who enter the industry for a multitude of personal and financial reasons. And guess what? According to her broad definition, there's a good chance you know someone in the trade but don’t even realize it.
But what connection could there possibly be between all this and pigs playing checkers? Prepare yourselves for a mind-boggling revelation as we delve into the intriguing world of Burlington, Vermont and uncover some fascinating data. Curiosity piqued?  It's an episode brimming with bold ideas, provocative discussions, and surprising connections. 
“Oh, yeah. Whips and chains, baby. You know, somebody and sisters somebody here is also has experienced professional dominatrix.” (2:39-2:46 | Savannah and Bart) 
“I would hope so. We need more of this. If we want to bring balance to this world, we’ve got to put on our boots and kick some ass right ladies, right? Am I wrong? And the guys want it, they need it. A little humbling to balance things out. And it's fun!” (2:47-3:03 | Savannah)
“When we talk about decriminalizing sex work…That doesn’t mean rape, assault, kidnapping, sex trafficking, are OK. Those still remain crimes, as they should.” (4:46-5:00 | Savannah)
“That's not to say that every single sex worker is making beaucoup bucks. There is a huge range of experiences and circumstances within the sex trade. Some people there are 100% there by choice …A lot of people are there out of circumstance: this is the best job that suits their needs at the time…And then there's coercion.” (12:36-13:09 | Savannah)
“If policy follows culture, which is a theory, then we need to change hearts and minds. We need to talk to everyday people about this issue.” (16:19-16:26 | Savannah) 
“I thought for a long time that my dominatrix persona was a character, but it's actually a side of myself…I used to be a very shy person, actually. Being a dominatrix really helped me with that. Isn't it amazing?” (22:06-22:23 | Savannah)
Connect with Savanna Sly:
New Moon Network:
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Monday Jul 03, 2023

The truth about money, success, and capitalism. West German filmmaker explains the truth behind why people get rich and what governments can do to help them succeed.The funny and playful Dr. Rainer Zitelmann, author of “In Defense of Capitalism” explains the ugly truth about socialism and what truly motivates humans to be wealthy.  His research exposes the truth about which countries care about money and why some people never get rich.
With a dash of wit and a pinch of sarcasm, Dr. Zitelmann fearlessly challenges the prevailing notion that rich individuals amass their fortunes by greedily plundering from the poor. Brace yourselves for an enlightening journey as he shatters the fallacy of this zero-sum thinking, revealing the true dynamics of wealth creation. If you want to be rich, tune into Dr. Zitelmann.
But fear not, for our esteemed guest is not all seriousness and no playfulness. In fact, he has a rousing message for all those who perceive themselves as victims in this chaotic world: rise above. Dr. Zitelmann delivers a powerful piece of advice, urging individuals to embrace exceptionalism if they aspire to achieve financial success. With anecdotes that would make even the most jaded skeptic's jaw drop, he showcases a parade of remarkable individuals who defied the odds and soared to greatness, despite lacking limbs, sight, or any conventional advantage. So, whether you're battling against physical shortcomings or wrestling with self-doubt, Dr. Zitelmann's words will ignite the flame of inspiration within you, urging you to relentlessly pursue your dreams and desires.
This is the unforgiving essence of capitalism—where determination and audacity reign supreme. Bart will hilariously stumble over Dr. Rainer's name, serving as a comical reminder of the quirks that make each of us unique. It's a captivating cocktail of wit, humor, and intellectual banter that will leave you clutching your sides with laughter. 
“Status is incredibly important in those countries…You had an article or video about status and how some countries really value success and money more than other countries.” (1:20-1:35 | Bart)
“On New Year’s in China, you say, ‘I wish you a lot of money.’...Would you say that in the U.S.? I don't think so.” (3:13-3:24 | Dr. Rainer and Bart)
“Leftists believe in zero sum thinking. They believe that rich people become only rich by taking away from the poor. But this is crazy.” (5:00-5:09 | Dr. Rainer)
“What's your excuse? Where is it? I don't see. You have two arms. You have two legs. You're not blind.” (9:11-9:16 | Dr. Rainer) 
“In Germany, we say, ‘Money alone doesn't make you happy. Do you say this?’ We say it, but not enough people say it because they think that money equals happiness. They forget that money buys opportunity and relationships and things.” (13:35-13:48 | Dr. Rainer and Bart)
“I was in Argentina, at a lecture for young people. And there are so many people in Argentina who believe the state should do everything for them…As you can attest, this is how everything works in life. It's on you.” (15:32-16:19 | Dr. Rainer) 
Connect with Dr. Rainer Zitelmann:
In Defense of Capitalism
Twitter Germany:
Twitter international: @zitelmann_en
Facebook Germany: Dr. Dr. Rainer Zitelmann
Facebook international: Rainer Zitelmann
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Monday Jul 03, 2023

Get ready for a laugh riot with the hilarious and witty Brian McWilliams, who wears many hats—comedian, podcaster, and even "crusader of human rights.” According to Brian, comedy has this amazing power to make people laugh even if they don't agree, as long as it's brilliantly done. Comedy, at its core, is about merging two completely unrelated things and making them work like a well-oiled machine. Or, as Bart suggests, just make sure to equally annoy everyone when in doubt. 
Brian exposes the mythmakers and con-artists selling false dreams, while shedding light on what audiences genuinely crave. You can expect some shocking revelations about society's increasing coddling, making us all less resilient and self-reliant. Brian uncovers it all and even drops his "bad people theory." He doesn’t hate people, just bad people. 
And that's not all. Bart rolls up his sleeves and analyzes Brian's script to reveal Brian is so sloppy to ever become a serial killer. Bart explains that Brian has a mind like a cult leader. Brian admits to the location of buried bodies and other lies that are clearly comical fiction.
Laugh your way through mind-bending discussions with Brian McWilliams and Bart Bagget. This episode is a rollercoaster of wit, revelations, and a whole lot of fun!
“I’ve tried to piss off everybody equally. I think that's a good strategy because I’m not selective–I open my mouth and people get offended. Yes. Generally, as a general rule, it's been that way. So that was like five.(3:54-4:07 | Bart)
“I want to get all the dictators out of there and put my own dictator in there and just make clones. I don't know what clones of me. You really want 500 of me, running around making children?” (4:32-4:45 | Bart)
“The audience will laugh at something funny, even if they don't agree with it. You know this. You can make an audience laugh at something they don't agree with if it’s positioned well enough, if it's brilliant enough.” (6:23-6:31 | Brian)
“Most of the time when people are already in a pit, they don't want you to tell them, ‘Oh, you got in this pit. Why? Because you tripped and fell over.’ They want to know what you can do to get them out and stop the pit from existing. They want to get out and they want to say, "What's the best way forward that's going to actually inspire me and give me something to believe in.” (9:26-9:42 | Brian) 
“There's not a lot of resilience taught now. Everything's very coddled. We're talking about children and even adults, now. It's a coddling environment and that's not good for anybody. We're out this supposedly to protect people's best interest to keep everybody happy but it's really about compliance.” (16:51-17:07 | Brian)
“To admit that COVID wasn't as bad as they thought they didn't have to lock down, that masks don't really have an effect, yada yada. To admit that means that they are bad people that they're interested in the damage and ruining of people's lives. And I don't think a lot of people's egos can handle that so I'll cling to the narrative.” (19:34-19:53 | Brian)
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Monday Jul 03, 2023

Step into the first ever episode of The Bart Show, where the uproarious Rosie Tran, a comedic prodigy, podcaster, and author, takes center stage. Brace yourselves, folks, because Rosie's here to tickle your funny bone and challenge your mind.
With a sly smile, Rosie ponders the existence of a humorous higher power. If God's up there, she's convinced they've got a killer sense of humor. So why on earth should we be all serious and uptight? After two decades of rocking the comedy scene, Rosie's facing unexpected hurdles. Her time-tested jokes are now under fire from the "woke wave" infiltrating the entertainment industry. Even Rosie herself has become an online mob's target. Can you believe it?
But hold on to your seats, because Rosie's got a point to make. Comedy isn't meant to be dissected and scrutinized to death. Its purpose is to help us find laughter in the face of tragedy and adversity. It's about lightening the load. And in the midst of this comedic chaos, Rosie and Bart ponder the growing pressure to self-censor. How can they build their audiences when the rules keep changing?
As Rosie dives deeper into her craft, she's breaking new ground. After all these years, she's just scratching the surface of her comedic potential. And get this, she calls her creative process "non-writing." It's all part of her enigmatic charm. And guess what? Meditation is her secret weapon.
So get ready for a wild ride. It's a world where comedy reigns supreme, where Rosie Tran slays the stage with her wit. Laugh, ponder, and join us as we explore the comedic frontier together. 
“In meditation, my monkey brain comes out. All these thoughts just come barfing out…But I wouldn't say ‘writing’-- I come up with a lot of jokes, because it's not really writing.” (6:11-6:23 | Rosie)
“Topics are the hardest form of comedy, because if you don't do it right, you can alienate people.” (6:45-6:50 | Rosie) 
“Political comedians are really brave, because you're really putting yourself out there. I haven't had the cojones to put myself out there politically. But also, I still don't really know what my political views are…I think a lot of people like that, too. So maybe I should write jokes about that to people that say, ‘I don't know where I go.” (7:44-8:15 | Rosie) 
“Making fun of death, or politics, or things that are really serious can be so fun and transformational, and so I think people who don't laugh at serious stuff are missing the point of comedy, which is to make fun of it.” (9:22-9:38 | Rosie) 
“A real woke person…would say, ‘Hey, if this is coming from a good place, or this is funny, then it's OK.’ But woke is now turning into censorship.” (14:20-14:31 | Rosie)
“The people who can get away with it, like Bill Burr, already have a career…people like me and you might suffer because we're still growing our audience and still growing our fans.” (16:54-17:10 | Rosie)
“I love a person. I hate people…a person can be exceptional.” (24:41-25:04 | Rosie)
Connect with Rosie Tran:
Instagram: @outoftheboxrosie
Facebook and Twitter: 
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Monday Jun 19, 2023

The rumors are all true. Bart Baggett is hosting a brand new podcast named The Bart Show; The World’s Most Interesting People.
The Bart Show is a weekly podcast that brings you the world’s most interesting people. Hosted by author and world-famous handwriting expert Bart Baggett, each week he takes a look into the minds of some of the funniest, brightest, and even the strangest minds you could imagine actually exist on the planet. 
If words like honesty, playfulness, success, authenticity, fun, and freedom resonate with you… The Bart Show will quickly become your favorite podcast.  It’s a comedy show infused with personal development and psychology.  Sign up for the Bart Show Fan Newsletter at 


Bart Baggett: Host

Bart Baggett is known worldwide for his books, stand-up comedy, and self-help programs such as the Life Design Academy and his TEDx lecture. The podcast infuses comedy with finance, success, and success tips to live a happier, wealthier, more fulfilled life.  

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